Complaints Procedure Rules
version april 2024
1. General
1.1 In these complaints procedure rules, the following definitions apply:
Complaint: any reasonably identifiable, oral or written expression of dissatisfaction with the services provided by the lawyer, made by or on behalf of the client;
Complainant: the client or his representative that reports a complaint;
Complaints Officer: the lawyer entrusted with the handling of the complaint.
2. Scope
2.1 These complaints procedure rules apply to every contract for professional services between the Firm and the client.
2.2 The Firm shall ensure that complaints are handled in accordance with the complaints procedure rules.
3. Objectives
3.1 The objectives of these complaints procedure rules are:
to lay down a procedure for the constructive handling of client complaints within a reasonable period of time;
to lay down a procedure for determining the causes of client complaints;
to maintain and improving existing relationships through proper complaint handling;
to train employees in client-focused response to complaints;
to improve the quality of service provision by means of complaint management and complaint analysis.
4. Information at the start of services
4.1 These complaints procedure rules are made public. Before entering into a contract for professional services, the Firm shall inform the client that the Firm has complaints procedure rules and that they apply to the services provided.
4.2 The Firm’s General Terms and Conditions contain a reference to these complaints procedure rules in Clause 9.3.
4.3 Complaints as referred to in Article 1 of these complaints procedure rules that are unresolved after treatment shall be submitted to the responsible Disputes Committee for the Legal Profession.
5. Internal complaint procedure
5.1 If a client approaches the Firm with a complaint, the complaint will be forwarded to the complaints officer. If the complaint is directed against the complaints officer, it will be forwarded to the substitute complaints officer.
5.2 The complaints officer shall notify the person complained about the filing of the complaint and shall give the complainant and the person complained about the opportunity to explain the complaint.
5.3 The person complained about shall attempt to reach a solution together with the client, whether or not after intervention by the complaints officer.
5.4 The complaints officer will deal with the complaint within four weeks of receiving it, or will notify the complainant, giving reasons, if this term is not observed and stating the term within which a decision will be made on the complaint.
5.5 The complaints officer shall inform the complainant and the person about whom the complaint has been made in writing of the decision on the merits of the complaint, whether or not accompanied by recommendations.
5.6 If the complaint has been dealt with satisfactorily, the complainant, the complaints officer and the person about whom the complaint was made shall sign the opinion on the merits of the complaint.
6. Confidentiality and free complaint handling
6.1 The complaints officer and the person about whom the complaint has been made shall observe secrecy during the handling of the complaint.
6.2 The complainant is not liable to pay any compensation for the costs of handling the complaint.
7. Responsibilities
7.1 The complaints officer is responsible for the timely handling of the complaint.
7.2 The person about whom the complaint has been made shall keep the complaints officer informed about any contact and a possible solution.
7.3 The complaint officer shall keep the complainant informed about the handling of the complaint.
7.4 The complaints officer keeps the complaint file up to date.
8. Registration of complaints
8.1 The complaints officer registers the complaint and the subject of the complaint.
8.2 A complaint may be divided into several subjects.
8.3 The complaints officer shall periodically report on the handling of complaints and make recommendations for the prevention of new complaints, as well as for the improvement of procedures.
8.4 At least once a year, the reports and recommendations shall be discussed at the office and presented for decision.
Acting Complaints Officers
Complaints officer: Kristiyana Drandarova
Substitute complaints officer: Laurent Ruessmann